Monday, January 6, 2014

Life is what happens while....

We all know how it is in the modern day and age.  The old expression 'time flies' doesn't even begin to cover it.  Turn around once and a year has gone - twice and it might be a decade.  Anyhow, for those of you who check this blog from time to time, you know I have been in absentia for quite some time.  The needs, and time needed to care for an elderly parent have changed my time table on releasing my fantasy several times.  For the past two years my mother has been sinking deeper into Dementia and there was little time for anything other than cold hard reality.  Now, with three excellent care givers in place, I am hoping life will let happen the completion of the editing of the first of my fantasy trilogies.  Beyond the Last Tree is available now at Amazon and B&N.  I hope to have book two available by the end of the winter, and book three soon after that.  It's down to the proofreading and, if any of you are Indie authors, you know that is a very important step - and a hard one.  In this present lightning-speed age, it's hard to find people who have time to stop and read your book and note every error.

Anyhow, apologies to all those who read former notices about a 2012 publishing date for books two and three. 

Here's to 2014!

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